My family and I just returned from a week in Wales. It was meant to be a circuit breaker before the kids started back at school but more importantly a time to just be together again and properly 'see' each other after a few months which have had us spinning in circles and scratching our heads, wondering what on earth is going on with the world and struggling to come up with any answers.
It rained lots - we thought it might - but we had a lot of a fun and I come back to the workshop refreshed and ready to go again. Towards the end of the week while the rain continued to fall, I started reading a book called 'Philosophy for Polar Explorers' by Erling Kagge and it has reminded me of the importance of having at least one source of inspiration to hand at any one time. I find that most often this comes in written form, sometimes with a piece of new music or perhaps from a great conversation, but usually a carefully selected book will take me 'there' the quickest. I often find that I become unproductive in my work when I start narrowing my focus on something, I can no longer see the wood for the trees and before I know it I've headed off in a direction I'd never normally consider. A good book, such as this one can realign me and pull me out of this space; this is what this book has done for me now. Don't get me wrong, sometimes these weird new directions can be hugely beneficial. I might learn a new technique or just as valuably I might learn how not to make something.
Both equally important for my growth as a wood worker.
I'm grateful to Wales for being rainy and allowing me the time to pick up this book and getting inspired!
